BEDRUD not just a firm sound on the dance floor but the finest tunes in the studio. Doesn´t matter if it´s iberican house sound or tech house. It´s all about the groove… BEDRUD inspires with exception perfection when it comes down to the right sound. With years of experience in producing, as DJ and label-owner just makes Bedrud shine. As head of rotfenstermusik, his own imprint he produces feeling full music which simply reaches right into the depths. When he’s not in front of the decks, he produces professional soundtracks rather projects for the media field. Various publications from BEDRUD are able to be found on Beatport, iTunes, Amazon Music and what not …
Amnesia (Ibiza), Pacha (Ibiza) | ZOUK (SINGAPORE) | TIME WARP (MANNHEIM / DE) | ROYAL RANDWICK RACECOURSE (SYDNEY / AU), Coocon (FFM) | Rex Club (Paris) | Tresor (Berlin) | U60311 (FFM) | Airport (Wü) |Nachtflug (Köln) | Noodels (Köln) | M1 (ST) | KM 5 (Ibiza) | Love Parade (98-00) | Nachtleben (FFM) | Grube (WB) | The Wall (FFM) | Dorien Gray (FFM) | Daimund (köln) | New York (KS) | Stammheim (KS) |limited Edition (Köln)| Arm (KS) | Monokel (SI) | Zero (AB) | Lokhalle (MZ) | Grove City (MZ) | Virus (BI) | S-Club (Lp) | Technosis (Polen) | Paradise City (B) | Wartburg (WI) | Big Appel (WI) | POP KOMM (KÖ) 01-02 | Flamingo (E) | H 90 (KÖ) | Harpune (DÜ) | Kino Royal (FFM) | Butan (Wü) | Prinzip (M) | UK Club (Köln) | Suite 42 (Köln) | WWW CLUB (Köln) | Basse (SI) | THE ARCHES (GLASGOW / GB) |Tripel A Köln | Lucky Strike De | Zinos Bar (H) | Blumengold (köln) | Königswasser (Köln) | Bassement (WI) | Sonntagsrohr |Bootsparty (KS) | Deelight (FFM) | Reacktor (Bü)| Bariesse (M) | Monopark (Mü) and much more …